Thursday, September 11, 2014

Who The Hell Am I?

Let me just sum up who I am in the this brief statement: Larry Olson is a 5'10' white-guy from the suburbs with essentially no real discernible skills.

I say this to people all the time and they just laugh. I never know if people are laughing because they think I'm being funny or because that truth is just so funny.

I am as average as they come. Don't throw a pity party for me, lots of amazing things have happened in my life because of my "averageness".

I have friends that are artists. I have friends that can sell. There are people in my life that can think analytically. There are lots of people that just flat out work harder than me. And to be honest, there are folks that are a whole lot luckier than me.

I want people to fully understand my averageness, to be able to highlight my one actual proficiency: Asking Questions.

Because I am not really good at anything......I have learned to become a good question "askerer". Here's why my averageness is so important. If I can learn to become a good asker of questions, anybody can.

I am walking proof that it doesn't take a whole lot to be a quality questioner. In fact all you have to do is wake up every morning believing this:

It's better to ask more questions than you answer.
The world will be a better place when people listen more than they talk. Think about how much better your friendships would be? Your marriage? Your job? The political system? 

That's it.. I've proven it's not a hard skill to learn. Do not let my averageness scare you. The Question Academy is for all.

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